

The goal is to deepen the relationship among members of a team in order to enhance the capability to work and act together. Moreover, these activities are designed to identify strengths and weaknesses of individuals and to strive for improvement. Activities should also point out that everybody is an important and valuable part of the team.

Outdoor team activities:

  • Crossing River
  • Spider web
  • Labyrinth
  • Orientation
  • Roller ball
  • Building of an igloo
  • Building of a float
  • Treasure hunt

·   Lot of fun

·   High success factor

·   Doable for everybody

·   Support and Presentation of our guides  

This activity can be designed as a part of an event or as single event.





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event concept
Josef Klieber
Augustinergasse 17A
A-5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 662 840149
Mobil: +43 664 464 22 75